Washington University in St. Louis announces a full-time, tenure-track position in music at the Assistant Professor level to begin in July 2015. We are seeking a musicologist with a primary expertise in the European concert tradition, particularly music before 1800; candidates with multiple areas of expertise are encouraged to apply, as are scholars with strong interdisciplinary orientations and an ability to engage other sub-disciplines.
Qualifications: Candidates should have a Ph.D. in musicology, a promising record of publications, and demonstrated excellence in teaching. Those with several years of post-doctoral experience are especially encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to candidates who wish to pursue interdisciplinary teaching in a liberal arts environment.
Duties: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in areas of expertise; pursue research and publication; supervise independent projects, theses, and dissertations; and participate on department and university committees.
Deadline: Consideration of applications will begin on October 23, 2014, and continue until the position is filled.
Application: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a statement of teaching interests to: Dr. Dolores Pesce, Chair, Musicology Search Committee, Department of Music, Washington University, Campus Box 1032, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899.
Full description at music.wustl.edu/people/jobs.